The Key West Lighthouse is one of the island's oldest relics, as it
was first built in 1825 to help ships navigating the dangerous
reefs of the lower keys. The lighthouse had a rather rough his
tory, as it was often destroyed and damaged throughout the years
and had to be replaced and restored. The one that stands there
today was completed in 1849, but has undergone several
additions throughout the years. It now stands at about 100 feet
(30.5 m) above sea level. As the 15th oldest surviving lighthouse
in the U.S., its proud history makes it well worth seeing. Climb up
the 88 steps of the circular iron stairway to access a lookout area
with spectacular views of the ocean and Keys.
One of the most interesting aspects about lighthouses are the
stories of the keepers who lived there. The Key West Lighthouse
and Keeper's Quarters Museum is no exception. Visit the newly
restored keeper's home and learn about the perilious job that cost
some keepers their lives.
About أبوغزالة